7 Apr

Today is a special day!!!! Our family is DEBT FREE!!!!!

In 2011 we decided that we needed to seriously start a total money makeover. My husband Joseph purchased Dave Ramsey’s book “Total Money Makeover” and we decided to read it together. Every night we read the book together.

During and after that we decided that we wanted to get gazelle intense as Dave puts it. This is where you are working 2-3 extra jobs and throwing everything you have at the debt you have. We worked his program. Paying each debt off, smallest (a few credit cards) to largest (our car we bought in 2011). All of our debt added up to a title under $40,000. You read
that right $40,000!!!

When people say they don’t have time to get out of debt, they have too much debt, they have never been on a budget….let me tell you it is doable! YOU can do this!! Or family knows how debt hangs over your head, you want so badly to just write a check for everything you owe and send it in, but that isn’t a reality for most.

Being on a budget, a real one, is the key to getting out of debt. You can’t complain about not having any money one week and how much you are in debt and the next week go out and buy all three of your kids $200 pairs of tennis shoes. OK, you can but it is not smart. Most adults I know (as in 40 and up) have never been on a budget. They can be, but they don’t like it because it means they would have to be responsible about what they are doing with their money!

I am so blessed to have my husband, he pays all the bills, knows all the ins and outs of our finances. I love him because we did this together! I was involved in everything. We always run a big purchase by each other. No, I don’t have to ask for money, but I’m also not going to spend $300 without him knowing. We have lived on an allowance of $50-$100 a month for a LONG time. Until we get 3-6 months of our income saved up we will still be on a similar budget.

This is the email we relieved this week:


4 Responses to “DEBT FREE!!!!”

  1. Not a Guru, Just a Gal May 14, 2013 at 6:42 pm #

    Wow, congrats! That is an awesome achievement. Our family is still working to finish paying off our debt. We’re 80% there so stories like yours are a big inspiration for me.

    • erinwaldrop May 14, 2013 at 6:52 pm #

      You will get there! The closer it was the more excited we got!! You guys are doing great, it IS possible! Keep on trucking! 🙂

  2. Michael McMillan May 19, 2013 at 10:50 am #

    What a great post I think you deserve a medal for being able to achieve this goal. It’s inspirational and others can hopefully take something positive from this as well. I found your post while researching what kinds of advice are out there on the internet for helping people get on the right path to being debt free. I live in Scotland and work for a foundation that helps Scottish residents find their freedom from debt as well. It’s tough going in most countries now I know but there is Free Help and Advice available.

    Best of luck to You and your family for the future Erin 🙂

    • erinwaldrop May 19, 2013 at 2:36 pm #


      Thank you for your comment! My husband and I felt like this goal was SO far put there in the beginning. We have followed Dave Ramsey for a long time..but we’re not very diligent in our goals. Two years ago we found out we were going to be parents, we made the choice that we have to create a better future for our children. They shouldn’t have to worry about money! Liam is 18 months now and we are debt free (besides the house) and I am hoping to quit my job soon.

      Honestly, we started really tithing…doing what God wants with our money, it made a big difference!

      Be blessed!

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